What does it mean to fail?

Henry Ford has said the most iconic quote. I would like to break it down piece by piece for a better understanding. When you want something bad enough there will be lots of down falls. The best thing to do when you feel like you are at your most vulnerable state is to get back up. Try a different approach that will ultimately lead you to the same outcome you first worked so hard for. Most people will give it their best shot and end up failing. Those people give up or chose the easier way. They settle for less, without exploring their full potential. In order to make your dreams come true you need to be broken down in order to humble yourself and value your efforts a lot more. If everything was easy in life, we wouldn’t appreciate the journey. You need to put your blood, sweat and tears into the things you want in life to be proud of yourself and how hard you worked to get what you want. Giving up is never the answer, you work harder next time and try again this time with a different mindset. Anything you set your mind to can be accomplished, you just need to want it bad enough.

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