How do you stay positive?

You need to let go of the negativity and allow yourself to just be you. You shouldn’t think about what can go wrong, always think about what you can improve. Always try to improve yourself and only surround yourself with positive people. You are a reflection of the people you surround yourself with. If you want your life to be nothing but happiness you need to put yourself first and do what makes you happy always. Stop allowing other people to bring you down. Even if the person bringing you down is yourself! Stop it! You are amazing and you got this. You are strong enough and brave enough to ditch the negative thoughts! Be the light for yourself. Don’t wait for someone to save you, save yourself! The only person stopping you from finding the light in your life is yourself! Appreciate yourself and be kind to yourself.

What makes you strong?

I couldn’t have said it any better myself. This is a very inspiring quote by the one and only Rocky Balboa. It holds many truths, you can talk all you want about how much strength you have within yourself. If life knocks you down, and you get up and come back even better it shows power. It doesn’t matter how driven you are to your achievements, what really matters is how you handle your downfalls. That shows your true strength and dedication towards something. If you give up, you weren’t all in, in the first place.

Who should you prioritize in your life?

You should prioritize yourself! Everything you do in life you should do to make yourself happy. You’re the only one that is going to live YOUR life. Don’t make decisions based on what the people around you are telling you. Their opinions may matter to you but it should all come down to your own gut feeling. If you lose people due to your actions based on your happiness then let them go. You don’t need negative energy and half ass people in your life. You need supportive and understanding type of people in your life. If they really were meant to be in your life they won’t make you feel guilty for your choices. Live for yourself and they people that are meant to be there for you will support your every decision. Even if it’s a poor choice, they will be there for when the ship sinks.

What does it mean to fail?

Henry Ford has said the most iconic quote. I would like to break it down piece by piece for a better understanding. When you want something bad enough there will be lots of down falls. The best thing to do when you feel like you are at your most vulnerable state is to get back up. Try a different approach that will ultimately lead you to the same outcome you first worked so hard for. Most people will give it their best shot and end up failing. Those people give up or chose the easier way. They settle for less, without exploring their full potential. In order to make your dreams come true you need to be broken down in order to humble yourself and value your efforts a lot more. If everything was easy in life, we wouldn’t appreciate the journey. You need to put your blood, sweat and tears into the things you want in life to be proud of yourself and how hard you worked to get what you want. Giving up is never the answer, you work harder next time and try again this time with a different mindset. Anything you set your mind to can be accomplished, you just need to want it bad enough.